MABL Calendar
Feature Event:
The MABL Board invites all Minnesota Association of Black Lawyer members and supporters to attend our Annual Membership Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, June 28 2023, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. The MABL Annual Membership 2023 meeting will be held in-person at Nilan Johnson Lewis (250 S Marquette Ave Ste 800, Minneapolis, MN 55401). At the meeting, MABL will be voting to amend its bylaws, including but not limited to, omitting the associate membership class, delegating authority to the board to set membership dues, allowing for meetings and voting other than in-person, removing age and gendered language. MABL’s bylaws provide for annual elections of the executive board, which include President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. These positions serve a one-year term. There are three At-Large position vacancies. These positions serve two-year terms. The terms run from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2024. Only active members can vote *To ensure voting eligibility,…
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MABL's Events:
MABL Members Listening Session with Attorney General Keith Ellison
MABL members, join us for an exclusive listening session with Attorney General Keith Ellison to hear about the work you are doing, how the AG’s…
More InfoThe Continuing Journey Towards Cultural Awareness: An African-American Lens to Family Court and ADR
MABL will co-host this event with the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts-MN Chapter. This is a virtual Lunch & Learn on August 13 entitled…
More InfoIn-House Speaker Series: Skills Attorneys Should Possess When Transitioning Into In-House Practice
MABL’s New Lawyers Committee, along with HealthPartners’ Legal Department, are pleased to host this one-hour informal conversation discussing which qualities and skills private and public…
More InfoMABL Annual 2021 Meeting
The MABL Board invites all Minnesota Association of Black Lawyer members and supporters to attend our Annual Membership Meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 24, 2021, from…
More InfoNew Lawyers Committee Speaker Series: A Conversation On How In-house Counsel Selects Outside Counsel
MABL’s New Lawyers Committee, along with Target Corp.’s Legal Department, are pleased to host this one-hour informal conversation discussing how in-house counsel selects and provides…
More InfoLegal Profession Community Listening Sessions: April 15 and 16
Please join MABL, Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers (LCL), Twin Cities Diversity in Practice (TCDIP), and the Minnesota State Bar Association (MSBA) for support sessions for…
More InfoSmall Group Session with Judge Sophia Vuelo and Black Attorneys
Judge Sophia Vuelo will host a small group panel discussion with a cross section of public interest attorneys, private attorneys, and non-practicing J.D. holders to assist…
More InfoCLE – Building Resilience in the Face of Adversity
The Diversity Committee of the Federal Bar Association – Minnesota Chapter, along with the University of Minnesota Student Chapter, and Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, are…
More InfoImplicit Bias Within The Criminal Justice System
Twin Cities PBS (online event) – Part of the Racism Unveiled Series “Implicit bias represents unique challenges to effective law enforcement, because it can alter…
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