MABL's Judicial Endorsement Process

Judicial Endorsement Process
MABL proudly endorses qualified judicial candidates for appointment who support its mission and are committed to the principal of equal treatment of all litigants, the fair administration of justice and the rule of law, and who have been involved in, supportive of, and responsive to issues of the Black community's needs and concerns.
Qualified judicial candidates may formally apply for MABL endorsement using the process outlined below. All endorsement requests must be completed by submitting a MABL Judicial Endorsement Application.
The Process
STEP ONE: The Request
An attorney seeking an endorsement from MABL should do so in writing addressed to the President of the organization. The request may be mailed to the MABL Secretary or emailed to
The request should include the following information:
- A completed MABL Judicial Endorsement Application.
- A completed judicial application for the position that you are seeking and all accompanying material.
- Date by which the endorsement should be submitted for consideration.
- Name, title, and address of the person to whom the endorsement should be submitted.
The attorney should submit his/her judicial endorsement request at least one month before the endorsement, if any, is due.
(Please note: the MABL Board may consider a request that is submitted less than one month prior to the date the endorsement is required if an
explanation is provided.)

STEP TWO: The Evaluation
MABL's Judicial Endorsement Committee (Committee) will review each candidate's qualifications in considering his/her request for an endorsement. Please note that the state Judicial Selection Commission generally likes to see applicants with at least 10 years of legal experience. While there have been exceptions, it is this Committee's practice generally to endorse qualified candidates who have practiced for a minimum of 10 years. The chair of the Committee will arrange an interview with the candidate before the entire Committee.
The Committee will consider the following criteria to evaluate candidates for endorsement:
- Active participation in MABL activities
- Legal experience (including trial experience)
- Affinity bar activities
- Judicial temperament
- Integrity
- Public service activities
- Community/volunteer activities
- Demonstrated ability to work effectively with communities of color
- Demonstrated commitment to mentoring other lawyers
- Scholarship, CLE presentations, presentations to community organizations
STEP THREE: The Decision
The Committee will recommend that the MABL Board either endorse the candidate or decline to do so. MABL's President will inform the candidate of the MABL Board's decision in writing. If the MABL Board authorizes endorsement, the President or his/her designee shall draft the letter. The President or his/her designee will submit the letter to the designated recipient and will provide the candidate with a copy of it.