MABL Annual 2021 Meeting
Jun 24, 2021 5:00PM—7:00PM
Cost 0.0

The MABL Board invites all Minnesota Association of Black Lawyer members and supporters to attend our Annual Membership Meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 24, 2021, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
The MABL Annual Membership 2021 meeting will be held remotely via zoom conferencing. Remote log-in information will be provided on the week of the meeting.
We plan to have a social half hour (5:05-5:35 p.m.) where you will be part of small breakout room discussions, allowing you to catch up and network with other MABL members and supporters. After this, we will present on MABL’s 2020-2021 year in review, vote on amendments to the MABL Association Bylaws, and vote in the new MABL 2021-2022 Board of Directors.
The MABL Association Board of Directors will propose an amendment to the Bylaws to make it free for student membership to the MABL Association.