Evictions in a Post-COVID-19 Environment
Jul 16, 2020 12:00PM—1:30PM
Cost Free
Event Contact Jeffrey Prottas | Email

The impacts of COVID-19 reverberated throughout our economy, hitting people living at the edges of poverty especially hard. While the state of Minnesota implemented and subsequently extended a moratorium on evictions, the financial hardship suffered by tenants who lost their jobs and cannot pay rent as well as landlords facing financial hardship could become a real problem for everyone, including the already strained courts. In an effort to relieve the burden on those facing eviction and the legal aid advocacy groups, Cardozo announces a training session with Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services to prepare volunteer lawyers to assist tenants facing eviction navigate the legal process.
Caitlin Guilford, a supervising attorney in the SMRLS housing unit along with her colleague Chris Scott will lead the training that will provide the basics behind volunteer attorneys assisting with the eviction process as well as strategies to assist clinic clients. The goal of this unique opportunity is to encourage attorneys to volunteer and provide them the proper background to provide valuable resources to clinic clients and to help relieve the burden on the courts.
1.0 CLE credit applied for
Questions or comments, please contact Jeffrey Prottas via email at jprottas@stpaulfed.org or by phone at 651-695-3185. Program Co-Sponsored by: