CLE – Building Resilience in the Face of Adversity
Apr 15, 2021 12:00PM—1:30PM
Cost Free
Event Contact Aidan Zielske | Email

The Diversity Committee of the Federal Bar Association – Minnesota Chapter, along with the University of Minnesota Student Chapter, and Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, are pleased to host this one-hour CLE event exploring the topic of building resilience in the face of challenging circumstances.
In the best of times legal professionals are at risk for high levels of stress and mental health challenges. During times of greater challenge, our professional and personal lives may seem out of control and this can affect our work, school, and relationships. This program will feature three panelists who can speak to their experiences starting careers, changing careers, and finding meaning in their careers throughout the past year. In addition to presenters discussing both their own experiences and career trajectories, the program will also discuss the stigma surrounding recognizing and addressing challenges in our profession and identify tools to cope and to thrive while developing and enhancing skills to identify and address individual needs.
Please join us for this unique conversation.
When: Thursday, April 15, 2021 from 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm CDT
Where: Virtual Presentation
Joan Bibelhausen (moderator), Executive Director, Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers
Frank Aba-Onu, Legal Counsel, Prime Therapeutics
Caitlinrose Fisher, Partner, Forsgren Fisher McCalmont DeMarea Tysver LLP
Maria Brekke, Attorney, Bassford Remele
Registration: This event is free. Register here.
1 Elimination of Bias CLE credit applied for.
If you have any questions or need any accommodations, please contact Aidan Zielske at