MABL Committees

This section provides you with the description of the MABL Committees. MABL Committees offer a great opportunity to use your efforts and skills to support the Black legal community and the Black Minnesotan community. If you have any interest in joining any of these Committees, please complete This Interest Form.



Awards & Nominations Committee

The Awards and Nominations Committee promotes the advancement of members by supporting and endorsing award nominations as well as seeking out opportunities to highlight member accomplishments.  The committee members are expected to assist in researching potential awards, drafting endorsements, and providing content on member accomplishments for the website.













Programming & CLE Committee


MABL Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Committee is responsible for planning and organizing CLEs for our lawyers' development and advancement within the profession, ensuring that programs are adapted to the evolving needs of members and our community at large. Of particular interest are CLEs that support the progression of our young lawyers seeking growth in the profession including judicial and legislative opportunities.

The Committee assures that MABL is aware of offerings that benefit the membership and that CLE credits are available as practical for educational offerings.









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Communications Committee

The purpose of the MABL Communication Committee is to manage the publicity of the organization's activities, to share information among current and potential MABL members, and to coordinate outreach and advocacy activities as a way to connect with the Minnesota legal community, as well as the general public.

The Communication Committee is responsible for the following activities:

  • Providing timely recap of MABL events to members;
  • Overseeing MABL's branding, including reviews as needed and any necessary refreshing;
  • Developing a Communication Strategy for  MABL in order to foster a better sense of community;
  • Advising the MABL Board and other appropriate committees on matters related to communications; and
  • Cultivate relationships with other legal org, to provide opportunities for MABL members to communicate to the legal community at large.

Community Outreach Committee

The Community Outreach Committee is an important part of MABL's structure and mission. This committee engages in initiatives and activities to address legal issues affecting the Black Minnesotan community and to advance education, excellence, and racial equity in the pursuit of justice in Minnesota. The committee strives to build a stronger relationship between Black Minnesotans and MABL by working with the Black community to build relationships and partnerships.

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Gala Committee


The purpose of the MABL Gala Committee is to manage all details of the MABL Foundation Scholarship Gala, including programming, marketing, and sponsorship.


The MABL Gala Committee is responsible for the following activities:

    • Solicit and secure firm and corporate sponsorship;


    • Present monthly updates to leadership Board re: fundraising efforts;


    • Register individual participants;


    • Select gala speaker and master or mistress of ceremonies;


    • Set gala theme;


    • Coordinate with host location and event decorator; and


    • Coordinate student volunteers.



Judicial Endorsement Committee

The MABL Judicial Endorsement Committee seeks to assist members who are seeking judicial appointment at every level; state and federal in the application process. The Committee seeks and assists qualified candidates throughout the entire process from application to appointment. The Committee also insist in identifying members for potential judicial openings.


MABL seeks to endorse qualified candidates with integrity who support its mission and are committed to the principal of equal treatment of all litigants, the fair administration of justice and the rule of law, and who have been involved in, supportive of, and responsive to issues of the Black community's needs and concerns.


Law School Outreach Committee

The Law School Outreach Committee serves as a liaison connecting MABL with the MABL law school divisions of each law school in Minnesota. This subcommittee ensures that members of each school's law student division are getting the most out of their membership, including learning about state and federal practice areas; meeting members of MABL and state and federal judiciary; and cultivating relationships within the legal community. MABL also strives to provide the law student divisions with guidance on organizing events, furthering diversity, and connecting with opportunities within MABL and the Minnesota legal community.






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Legacy Committee


The Legacy Committee aims to increase the involvement of the forerunners of the association by providing opportunities to share ideas and input, leverage their know-how, listening for shared experiences, linkages and more to continually enrich, keep and maintain a robust organization that is futuristic in focus while recognizing the trails and paths laid by the ones whose shoulder we stand on. The legacy committee helps maintain the brand earned by the foresight of our founders.


Some of the work of the committee includes social events, creating room for continued dialogues, participation in MABL's activities, and recognizing and leveraging access for the progress of MABL's members.


Legislative Committee


The Legislative Committee is responsible for overseeing MABL's legislative program. The Legislative committee is charged with considering and making recommendations to the Board on legislation policies and procedures impacting Black Minnesotans, and relating to the practice of law and the judiciary. The Legislative Committee also analyzes the legal and political implication of legislation on MABL membership, and serves as a liaison to state and local government units.


The Legislative Committee is responsible for the following activities:

  • Providing timely recap of important Legislative changes, including statutory revisions and rule changes;
  • Advising the Board on legislative issues confront Black Minnesotans; and
  • Advising the Board on statutes, rules, and revisions to programs to ensure that Black Minnesotans equitably benefit from policies and procedures of the State of Minnesota.

Membership Committee


The Membership Committee is tasked with engaging our members through social events, continuing education seminars, and volunteer opportunities. We encourage members to be vocal about how MABL can serve their needs and the needs of their communities. Past events include Books for Africa book sorting, Halloween at Valley Fair, and the MABL annual picnic. Please reach out to the current Membership Chair with any questions or ideas for future events.

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New Lawyer Committee


The purpose of the MABL New Lawyer Committee is to connect lawyers that are new to practice and new to Minnesota with the MABL community and Minnesota legal market.

The New Lawyer Committee is responsible for the following activities:

  • Coordinating luncheons and happy hours to foster community;
  • Connecting lawyers that are new to practice and new to Minnesota with MABL members that are well established in the Minnesota legal market; and
  • Providing new lawyers with the support and training necessary to develop their practice, market their skills, and succeed in their careers.

Nominations and Elections Committee

The Minnesota Association of Black Lawyers Elections and Nominating Committee consist of a group of qualified MABL members and is formed for the purpose of identifying and nominating candidates for office within MABL.  The committee is made up of members of MABL who are knowledgeable of MABL and its current needs.  The committee's objective is to vet and recommend candidates who best meet the need and interest of the organization.

Getting Involved

If you are an attorney or law student in the Twin Cities, join our LinkedIn Group and use this collaborative group to share opportunities for attorneys to participate in issues and activities affecting our community, request references, and discuss current issues.