Voting Resources
"I have said this before, and I will say it again, the vote is precious. It is almost sacred. It is the most powerful non-violent tool we have in a democracy." - Congressman John Lewis.
MABL believes that the right to vote is the true foundation block of this democracy. None of us have a voice unless we vote. None of us can help shape the trajectory of the local, state, and national government unless we let our voices be the ballot box.
Listed below are resources to register to vote and help you secure your voice.
Registering to Vote
Register On-Online
You can register online. Click here to start the process. You will need (1) an email address and (2) MN driver's license, ID card, or the last four digits of your social security card.
Register on Election Day
You can register on election day at your polling place. Click here for more information and a list of what documents are required.
If you intend to vote in person this election, click here and enter your address to find your polling place. This webpage also provides maps with directions to your polling place, district maps, and shows candidates that will be on your ballot in November.
Mail-in Voting & Early Voting
Mail-in Voting
One option for those who do not wish to vote in person on election day is mail-in voting. Click here for information on the requirements for mail in voting, along with a link to obtain your ballot by mail.
If you wish to vote by mail, we encourage you to request your ballot as soon as possible as your ballot must be received, completed, and returned with a postmark on or before election day, November 3, 2020.
Early Voting
You may vote early with in-person voting. Early in-person voting begins on September 18 and continues until election day, and each county has at least one location where you can do so. Click here for information on early in-person voting in your district.